Top-level Overview

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Collection: exercises

Documents in this collection represent an exercise that will be undertaken by the Judicial Appointments Commission to select and recommend candidates for a judicial role.

These documents are are created and maintained via the JAC Admin portal.

Collection: vacancies

An exercise can be published by JAC staff via the Admin portal, at which point a copy of the exercises document is created and stored in the vacancies collection.

Documents in the vacancies collection appear on the public Apply website, which is open to the public: (i.e., potential candidates for the role). Documents in the exercises collection only appear on the Admin portal. This design is intended as a security measure: the master copy (from the exercises collection) can only be accessed from the Admin portal (i.e., by JAC staff).

Collection: applications

Documents in this collection represent a candidate’s application for a judicial role.

These documents are created by candidates using the public Apply website.

Collection: applicationRecords

Documents in this collection are created in the Admin portal when the JAC start processing candidate applications.

These documents store extra information about candidate applications from the JAC point-of-view, for example: whether character or eligibility issues have been flagged up for the candidate; whether an Equal Merit Provision has been applied; whether reasonable adjustments should be applied.

Collection: candidates

Documents this collection represent candidates applying for one or more judicial roles.

Collection: qualifyingTestReports

Documents in this collection represent a report containing stastical data about one more qualifying tests, such as: maximum test scores; individual test scores and rankings; diversity metrics.

Collection: assessments

Documents in this collection represent an independant assessment of a candidate’s application for a role.

Collection: panels

Documents in this collection represent a review panel for an exercise.

Collection: invitations

Documents in this collection represent an invitation for a candidate to apply for a judical role.

JAC can send invitations from the Admin portal.

Collection: notifications

Documents in this collection represent notifications that have been sent by the system, for example:

  • A invite/reminder to an applicant about a qualifying test
  • A request to an independent asseesors, to assess an application

Collection: notes

Documents in this collection contain notes about a candidate.

Collection: logs

Documents in this collection represent a log of an event in the system, for example:

  • information log
  • warning log
  • error log
  • user login

Event logs can be viewed from within the JAC Admin portal.

Collection: meta

Documents in this collection contain general statistics about the system, for example: the number of exercises in the system.

Collection: settings

Documents in this collection contain various system settings.