Input Data Models

  1. Panel:
    • panel: Object
      • id: string
    • panellists: Array of Objects
      • id: string
    • date: Date
    • totalSlots: number
  2. Candidate Info:
    • candidate: Object
      • id: string
    • availableDates: Array of Date
  3. Reasonable Adjustments:
    • reasonableAdjustments: Array of strings (candidate IDs)
  4. Panel Conflicts:
    • panelConflicts: Array of Objects
      • candidate: Object
        • id: string
      • panellist: Object
        • id: string

Output Data Models

  1. Timetable Data Model:
    • timetable: Array of Objects
      • candidateRef: string (candidate ID)
      • date: Date
      • panel: string (panel ID)
      • reasonableAdjustment: boolean
      • slot: number
  2. Unassigned Candidates Data Model:
    • unassignedCandidates: Array of Objects
      • candidate: Object
        • id: string
      • availableDates: Array of Date


Input Example:

const panelData = [
    panel: { id: 'panel1' },
    panellists: [{ id: 'panellist1' }],
    date: new Date('2024-01-01'),
    totalSlots: 3,
  // ... other panels

const candidateInfo = [
    candidate: { id: 'candidate1' },
    availableDates: [new Date('2024-01-01'), new Date('2024-01-02')],
  // ... other candidates

const reasonableAdjustments = ['candidate2', 'candidate4'];

const panelConflicts = [
    candidate: { id: 'candidate3' },
    panellist: { id: 'panellist1' },
  // ... other conflicts

selectionDayTimetable(panelData, candidateInfo, reasonableAdjustments, panelConflicts);

Output Example:

  timetable: [
    { CandidateRef: 'candidate1', Date: new Date('2024-01-01'), Panel: 'panel1', ReasonableAdjustment: true, Slot: 1 },
    // ... other timetable entries
  unassignedCandidates: [
    { candidate: { id: 'candidate5' }, availableDates: [new Date('2024-01-01')] },
    // ... other unassigned candidates


  • The selectionDayTimetable function manages the scheduling of candidates for panels on specific dates.

Input Parameters:

  • The function takes four main inputs:
    • panelData: Information about panels, including their ID, panellists, date, and the total available slots.
    • candidateInfo: Details about candidates, such as their ID and the dates they are available for.
    • reasonableAdjustments: A list of candidate IDs eligible for reasonable adjustments.
    • panelConflicts: Information about conflicts between candidates and panellists on specific panels.

Timetable Generation:

  • The function generates a timetable that assigns candidates to panels on available dates.
  • For each panel, it assigns candidates based on their availability and the total available slots.

The function achieves this in 5 main steps

  1. Matching ‘suitable’ Candidates to panels and matching ‘suitable’ panels to candidates.
  2. Assign candidates with only one ‘suitable’ panel to a slot
  3. Assign candidates with more than one ‘suitable’ panel to a slot
  4. Collect a list of the unassigned candidates
  5. Output the result

Reasonable Adjustments: - Candidates eligible for reasonable adjustments are given priority in the assignment process. - These candidates are flagged in the timetable to indicate they received special considerations.

Handling Conflicts: - The function considers conflicts between candidates and panellists on specific panels. - Candidates with conflicts are appropriately handled to ensure fair and conflict-free assignments.


  • The function produces a timetable with details such as the candidate reference, date, panel ID, reasonable adjustment status, and assigned slot.
  • Additionally, it provides a list of unassigned candidates with their details.

Edge Cases:

  • The function accounts for various scenarios, including no available candidates, no panels, no conflicts, and a combination of conflicts and reasonable adjustments.
  • It handles performance testing with larger datasets efficiently.


  • selectionDayTimetable assigns candidates to panels while considering conflicts and listing reasonable adjustments, aiming to fill the most slots possible.