
Configuration values can be set based upon each application and environment it’s needed for.


The QT platform is split into 3 applications: QT-Admin, QT and Platform.

Each of these apps has its own dedicated .env files for each environment.


All of these apps have their own dedicated .env files for each environment.

Digital Platform

When working in nodeScripts you can use the .env file (see nodeScripts/shared/config.js) to set configuration variables.

However when you want to set configuration variables outside the nodeScripts you have to do the following:

Local Environment

Store the values in your .runtimeconfig.json file and reference them in the config.js files (eg see: functions/shared/config.js)


{ "tester": { "test_url": "", }, }


module.exports = { GOOGLE_TEST_URL: functions.config().tester.test_url, }


Examples of getting and setting config variables

firebase functions:config:get firebase functions:config:set zenhub.graph_ql_url=