Updating Microsoft sign-in certificates


Steps to renew certificate

  • Log-in to azure portal with an account (this will be your microsoft/gov.uk account) which has owner privileges for the JAC azure project.
  • Navigate to Manage Azure active directory (as of 17/10/2023 MS notes this will soon become Microsoft Entra ID)
  • under ‘Certificates & Secrets’
  • observe currently active secret
  • In a new tab/window open the [ DEVELOP ] firebase console
  • under ‘Authentication’ > ‘sign in method’ > Microsoft

  • Compare the viewable sections of the currently active keys.
  • Ensure they match.

  • Generate a new key in the azure console
  • The secret is only available for a limited time so be sure to take a note of it asap
  • Be sure to copy the ‘value’ NOT ‘secret_id’
  • In firebase update the secret under the microsoft authentication update window.

  • check the DEVELOP env
  • test you can sign in with an MS account
  • repeat above steps for each env
  • update this document with your new expiry date and any changes to the process
Date updated Expiry
25/06/21 25/12/21
07/12/21 01/01/23
17/10/23 01/10/25