Welcome to JAC Digital

JAC values

Tools we use

We make use of the following tools:

  • Github Issues for tracking and managing tasks
  • Zenhub for managing Github Issues
  • Github Actions for continuous integration and deployment, releases and hotfixes
  • Github Flow model for organising our source code

Here is a more detailed list of all software used and owners

Our standards

We follow these software development standards and guidelines.


New starters will be assigned the following permissions


Digital Staff will be assigned the following Roles:

  • Platform - Develop: Firebase Admin
  • Platform - Staging: Firebase Viewer
  • Platform - Production: Firebase Viewer

Digital Suppliers will be assigned the following Roles:

  • Platform - Develop: Firebase Admin
  • Platform - Staging: Firebase Viewer


Digital Staff will be added to JAC Staff Team which gives write or owner access to all repositories

Digital Suppliers will be added to Digital Suppliers team which gives write access to our six main repositories

GovUK Notify

We have the following three api keys for GovUK Notify:

  • Digital Platform - Live sends emails to anyone
  • Digital Platform - Limited sends emails to JAC users (of GovUK Notify) only
  • Digital Platform - Test does not send emails

These should be used as follows:

  • Production uses Digital Platform - Live
  • Staging uses Digital Platform - Test
  • Develop uses Digital Platform - Test

Developers may temporarily use Digital Platform - Limited on develop or staging however must change back to using Digital Platform - Test

Keys are stored in firebase functions:config and also may temporarily be stored locally in .env