Top-level Overview

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Collection: qualifyingTests

Documents this collection represent online tests which candidates applying for a judicial role must sit.

Note: Not all exercises/vacancies have qualifying tests. Note: Equal Merit Tie-breaker tests are also stored in the qualifyingTests collection, denoted by the isTieBreaker flag on the document.

Collection: qualifyingTestResponses

After an online test has been created for an exercise the JAC selects candidates that should sit the test. The test is then activated by the JAC, at which point a copies of the test are created in the qualifyingTestResponses collection for each candidate. These documents are start off as blank test papers, and eventually store candidate’s answers (responses).

Collection: logs

Documents in this collection represent a log of an event in the system, for example:

  • information log
  • warning log
  • error log
  • user login

Event logs can be viewed from within the JAC Admin portal.

Collection: folders

Documents in this collection contain folders which are used to store qualifyingTests.

Collection: settings

Documents in this collection contain various system settings.